She lives and works in Trieste as a writer and freelance journalist.
She has published many works of poetry, including the album
Senza difese, poesie nel rock quotidiano (Without defence, poems in everyday rock), 1998/2000; three stage plays (including Ragazza che precipita, 2000, Trieste); radiophonic plays, essays, novels and novellas (Le strage degli anatroccoli, 1995 – Marsilio, Venezia; L’ascoltatrice di alberi, which received an award at the Ricercare literary event 2001).
Kenka Lčkovich took part in the literary project Die Poetik der Grenze
in the city of Graz (Austria) in 2003, and was appointed “Stadtschreiberin” (city writer) of the same city in 2004. “For me, writing is the same as creating, or rather, reproducing the linguistic Babel I belong to as a result of my pesonal history and that of my region (…) if it is indeed true that “language is the home of being” (Martin Heidegger) and, vice-versa, that “human beings are the “home” of the word” (Chingiz Aitmatov).”
Kenka Lčkovich wrote the libretto for An Index of Metals 2006 which had German Premiere at Forum Neues Musiktheater on the occasion of the ISCM World New Music Festival 2006.
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