  Alexandra Gilbert
Choreographer, Dancer

Alexandra Gilbert studied ballet at the Conservatoire de Paris and completed her studies at the Centre National de Danse Contemporaine d’Angers-l’Esquisse in 1996. She has worked on various projects and performances with, among others, Marion Lévy, Charles CréAnge, Christie Lehuédé, Joelle Bouvier and Régis Obadia, Cyrill Davy, Christophe Haleb, Lionel Hoche, and Xavier Lot. Since 1999 she has been involved with projects by Serge Ricci, in Trilogie partiellement effacé, Humor, Endless in collaboration with the Christian Fennesz, and Au nombre des choses. In 2004 she joined the company Les Ballets C de la B/Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui in Foi. She performed in Erna Ómarsdóttir’s project We Are All Marlene Dietrich FOR, which was directed by Emil Hrvatin. Alongside her activity as a dancer Alexandra Gilbert designs costumes for dance and theater productions. She participated in Il cielo sulla terra at the Forum Neues Musiktheater in 2006.