  Philippe Kocher
Composer, Musician (ICST)

From 1992-1997, Philippe Kocher studied the piano under Martin Christ and computer music under Gerald Bennett at the HMT Zurich. He then completed his studies in theory and composition under Detlev Müller-Siemens and Dorothe Schubarth at the Musikakademie Basel. For the academic year 2004-05 he was granted a scholarship for the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he was also a lecturer in electro acoustic composition and Max/MSP.
His interest lies both in electronic and instrumental music. As means for sound and score synthesis, the computer has become his most important instrument in both fields. His music has been performed both in Switzerland and world-wide (Berlin, Munich, Rome, London, New York, Boston) as well as being broadcasted by Swiss and German radio stations. In January 2006 workshop on ambisonics at Forum Neues Musiktheater.