1992-2000 sound engineer at the Schauspielhaus Zürich (municipal theatre). From 2000-2005 responsible for light, sound and video at the Zurich School of Music and Drama (HMT). Technical head of the Swiss Centre for Computer Music (SZCM) and member of the 'Forschungsrat Schweiz' FORA (music research).
Since 2005 responsible for computer music technology at the ICST at the HMT.
Various sound technical and musical works for independent theatre companies. Sound and technology for exhibitions in museums. Sound installations. Compositions for records, for instruments and live electronic. Teaching position at the Zurich School of Music and Drama (HMT) and at the Zurich school of Art + Design (HGKZ). In January 2006 workshop on ambisonics at Forum Neues Musiktheater.
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