
  Sarah Maria Sun

Sarah Maria Sun was born on February 15, 1978, and began her education as a classical guitarist at the age of five. In the years that followed she won numerous national competitions. At fifteen she was accepted as a young student at the Folkwang Hochschule für Musik in Essen. She received singing lessons from age ten. In 1996 she won second prize in the German national competition Jugend musiziert. She began her vocal studies in 1997 with Klesie Kelly at the Musikhochschule Köln, switching to Julia Hamari at the Musikhochschule Stuttgart in 2001, where she received her diploma in 2005. She has attended master classes by Scot Weir, Kurt Moll, Brigitte Fassbaender, and Gisela May, among others. Her repertoire includes the literature of lieder singing and musical theater from the Renaissance to the modern, with an emphasis on works by contemporary composers like Luigi Nono, György Ligeti, Salvatore Sciarrino, and Peter Maxwell Davies. She has been a guest on radio and television productions for ARD and WDR, working with, among others, Peter Hirsch, Ensemble Recherche, Peter Ruzicka, Helmut Froschauer, Michael Luig, the Neue Vocalsolisten, Joachim Schlömer, Ernst Poettgen, Manfred Weiß, and Michael Popper. In 2004 she was engaged as a guest at the Staatsoper Stuttgart and the Staatstheater Mainz and sang at the Gaida Festival in Lithuania and the Festival d’Automne in Paris. In September she won first prize in the International Competition for Oratorio in Esztergom, Hungary. In February 2005 she took part in the Bachakademie and the Richard Strauss Festspielen in Garmisch. At the Junge Oper of Staatsoper Stuttgart she sang in pieces such as Erwin, das Naturtalent, at Nationaltheater Mannheim Passagio/Tre Donne by Luciano Berio.
At Forum Neues Musiktheater in 2004 Infinito Nero, in 2005 Die Süße unserer traurigen Kindheit, 2006 she sang the Medea in fremd and at the Final Concert of FNM she performed Carl Faia’s piece Certain Chemin.